Borisovich Koryagin

Russia • nato a 1958

Born in 1958 in Moscow. In 1974 he graduated from the Moscow municipal children's art school №1. Teachers: Lapin E. V., Potashnikov V. M., Kulikov V. P. Demko, A. I., Mr. Ulupov M. I. In 1982 he graduated from Moscow GOV't. khudozh. -industrial University. S. G. Stroganov, faculty of monumental decorative and applied art, Department of artistic ceramics. Teachers: Shabanova T. P., Bogdanov V. A., Morozov E. M., M. Aleshchenko Thesis Director Belashov A. M. In 1978 the First spring exhibition of Moscow (Kuznetsky most, 11).In 1982 - 85 he was a teacher of sculpture and ceramics at children's art school №8 in Moscow.In 1984 he joined the Youth Association of the Union of artists as a application engineer.Since 1985 Director of the art school №8 and teacher of painting, drawing and ceramics.2001 joined the Ministry of agriculture of the section of painting.2001

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