Ivanovich Lichovid

Russia • nato a 1948

Honored artist of Russia. Muralist, painter, graphic artist, founder of the don of hot enamel.

Born April 8, 1948 in the city of Lugansk.

In 1963. with honors he graduated from the art school of Lugansk..

In 1974. graduated from the Odessa pedagogical Institute. K. D. Ushinskogo

art-graphic faculty.

In 1983. graduated from the Saint Petersburg State art and

industrial Academy ( former. Higher school of industrial art to them. V. I. Mukhina),

the faculty of monumental painting.

Since 1974 participated in over 300 exhibitions in Russia and abroad.

Since 1983, he exhibited 106 personal exhibitions in Russia and abroad:

Volgodonsk, Rostov-on-don, Lugansk, Donetsk (Ukraine), Moscow,

Saint Petersburg, Olsztyn (Poland), Hannover, Nuremberg,

Darmstadt (Germany), New Delhi (India), Paris (France).

Georgy Likhovid participant of charitable auction "Children of Chernobyl" in Germany, Hannover (1998).

Permanent participant of Russian-German project "Russian came", Hannover, Isernhagen, saarbrücken, Rostov - on-don, Boston (USA), (1995-


Together with a member of the Union of artists of Russia Olga likhavid written and donated to the 4-row iconostasis for the Church of the Exaltation

Holy cross in the city of Volgodonsk, the Rostov region.

Georgy Likhovid three trained at the International Center for the arts, UNESCO, the "Cite des Art" in Paris (2002, 2003, 2005.).

Participant of the International Biennale of Humour and Satire in Gabrovo in Bulgaria (honorable mention) 1989.

Participant of the International triennial of painting in India, Delhi


Permanent participant of the Moscow exhibition-competition "Golden brush"

( 1991 to 2009., 1998. – Grand Prix ), Moscow.

Participant of the International symposiums of artists enamel in

Hungary, kecskemét ( 2001, 2002 Grand Prix, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009).

Participant of the International triennial in Hungary, Budapest (2004, 2005, 2007.)

Participant in the International Triennale in France, Morez (2006).

Georgy Likhovid is the Winner of Russian and international awards:

The winner of the award of Central Committee LKSM of Ukraine, 1980. Kiev

The winner of the Grand Prix "Golden brush-98", 1998, Moscow

The winner of the Gra-in of the XVIIIth International Symposium of enamel art, Hungary (kecskemét), 2002.

Awarded with diplomas of II and I degree at the exhibitions-competitions "to the glory of Faberge", Rostov-on-don (2000 and 2002).

For the 250th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Arts awarded diplomas

"Decent" and "For his great contribution to the development of enamel art in Russia", 2005-2006.g.

He was awarded the Silver medal of the Russian Academy of Arts, 2006,


The works are:

Moscow Museum of modern art, Moscow

All-Russian Museum of decorative and applied art, Moscow

Russian Fund "Russian art", Moscow

International Museum of hot enamel, Hungary, Kecskemet

The Museum of Humour and Satire, Bulgaria, Gabrovo

The Ministry of culture of Russia, Moscow

Gallery "Casablanca", Poland, Olsztyn

The Russian Embassy in India, Delhi

Museum of fine arts, Rostov-on-don

The Volgodonsk Museum of art, Volgodonsk

Russian hot enamel Museum, Zheleznovodsk

Salskaya, Taganrog, Largepussy art gallery

Local history museums of Volgodonsk, Mines.

The Ministry of culture of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania

In private collections of Russia, Poland, Germany, Switzerland,

France, America.

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