Vasilyevich Nechitailo

Russia • nato a 1952

Born in 1952 in Moscow. In 1970-75, studied at the Moscow GOV't. khudozh. - industrial University. S. G. Stroganov, Department of ceramics (Professor F. F. Voloshko, lukinova E. S.). Member of the USSR Union, painting section since 1980 Since 1977 member of youth exhibitions, national and all-Union. Constantly working in the landscape genre.

(Source: website of the Moscow Union of artists)

In 1970-1975, he studied at the Moscow state art-industrial school im. Stroganoff, Department of ceramics Professor F. Voloshko and E. lukinova. Widely known series of works of Sergey Nechitaylo dedicated to Solovki, where the author annually goes to the studies.

Was admitted to the Union of Artists in 1980 Personal exhibition of the artist was held in Moscow in 1982 the work of S. Nechitailo are in many private collections in Russia and abroad.

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