Training (1920-1927) in WAH was held at the faculty of architecture. Thesis - "the Mausoleum-a monument to the leaders of the revolution".
[R. 1(14).3.1903, Petersburg], a Soviet painter, honored artist of the RSFSR (1968). Studied at the architectural faculty Leningradskogo Vhuteina (1920-28) by I. A. Fomin. Taught at the Leningrad Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin (1946-48), the Leningrad higher art-industrial school im. V. I. Mukhina (1952-63). Students: G. A. Antonova, S. M. Basinska, A. M. Ostroumov, and others In the 1920-1930s S. designed the interiors, industrial and public buildings, had completed the illustrations. From 1948 working in the field of artistic glass and artistic design in an optical instrument, exhibit (later also of pottery, porcelain). For S. is characterized by the organic connection fine (often narrative) elements with form and function of the subject.
Vol.: The artist on the nature of things, L., 1970.