Dmitrievich Sokolov

Russia • 1912−2004

Biografia e informazioni

Born in 1912 in the city of Spassk, the Penza region, the Participant of the second world war. In 1948 graduated from Moscow GOV't. khudozh. Institute. V. I. Surikov, he studied at Osmerkina, Chernysheva, Corina, Chuikov. Member of the Union of artists since 1951, his Works are in museums, galleries, private collections in Russia, CIS, USA, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, etc. Personal exhibitions held in Moscow and other cities of Russia and abroad. Participant of Moscow, Republican and all-Union exhibitions.

(Source: website of the Moscow Union of artists)

Born in 1912 in the province of Penza. He studied at the Russian Academy of arts im. Repin in Leningrad in 1937. The war catches Sokolov at the II course. In 1941 he volunteered to the front. Served as ordinary signalman on the Leningrad front. While still at war A. D. Sokolov took part in three exhibitions "Artists of the Leningrad front during the siege of Leningrad". He graduated from the Moscow State art Institute. V. I. Surikov in 1950. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Honored artist of the RSFSR. A veteran of the great Patriotic war. Awarded the order of Patriotic war, 2 nd degree, medals: "For victory over Germany", the jubilee.