Alexandrovich Shtapakov

Russia • nato a 1958

Biografia e informazioni

Born in 1958 in Leningrad. In 1978 graduated from the Leningrad Construction and Architectural College. He served in the Soviet Army.

Worked as an architect, artist, designer. Since 1987 freelance artist. The founder of the group of artists "Iron Seeds." Member of artists Union of Russia since 1993. Founder (together. with P. White) St. Petersburg Print Studio in 2002.

The main activity - printing technology. Illustrated around 30 books: Boris vian, D. harms, I. Barkov, J. R. R. Tolkien, etc. the Participant of many exhibitions in Russia, Poland, Germany, France, Switzerland, USA. The artist's works are in the collections of the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, collections in foreign museums and collections.