Nikolaevna Maliukova

Russia • nata a 1969

Biografia e informazioni

Born 1969 in the city of Izmail, Odessa region, Ukraine, In 1996 graduated from Moscow GOV't. khudozh. Institute. V. I. Surikov, the workshop of N. And. Andronov. Member of the Ministry of agriculture since 1999 Since 1995 participant of art exhibitions. Works are in the collection of State. historical-artistic and literary Museum-reserve Abramtsevo, as well as in private collections.

(Source: website of the Moscow Union of artists)

Born in Izmail

1996 graduated from the painting faculty of the Moscow state academic art Institute. V. I. Surikov (workshop of N. And.Andronov)

Since 1996 participation in national and international exhibitions

1996 creation of the scenography and costumes for the play "night, mother" the play by M. Norman at the Moscow drama theater. Ruben Simonov

Since 1999 member of Union of artists of Russia

2001-2002 implemented an art project the painting of the Church of the Transfiguration in the village of Usolie near Pereslavl-Zalessky (with V. Zvyagintsev)

Highlights of the exhibition

2000 - "painting Exhibition to the memory of Nikolai.And.Andronov". Historical-artistic and literary Museum-reserve "Abramtsevo"

2002 - exhibition "World of painting". CHA. Moscow

2003 - exhibition "Artists of the Ferapontov". Studio Of I. I. Nivinsky. Moscow;

exhibition "70 years of Moscow Union of artists". Arena. Moscow;

- International art exhibition. CHA. Moscow

2004 - personal exhibition of painting. The Museum of frescoes of Dionysius. Ferapontovo

2005-project-exhibition "the Woodpile" (with V. Zvyagintsev). Historical-artistic and literary Museum-reserve "Abramtsevo";

- exhibition "Abramtsevo oaks". Historical-artistic and literary Museum-reserve "Abramtsevo";

2006-exhibition "World of painting". CHA. Moscow;

2006 participation in the events dedicated to the Day of the Museum in the Museum-reserve "Abramtsevo" ; 2006 participation in the Festival of Colors, the coloring of the shops on Chistoprudny Boulevard ; 2006 exhibition "Abramtsevo landscape of H1H-XX centuries" in the Museum-reserve "Abramtsevo"; 2007 personal exhibition of painting and graphics "Holidays in Abramtsevo" by the publishing house of the magazine "Our heritage"; 2007 the design of the presentation of the almanac "Chistye Prudy" in the CDL; 2007 exhibition of paintings and sculpture from the collection of the Museum-reserve "Abramtsevo" in MUAR(Museum of architecture) participation in the conference devoted to this exhibition; 2008year exhibition "75 years MOSKh" in the Manege; 2008year show students N. And. Andronova at the Kuznetsk-11; 2008 personal exhibition of paintings and drawings in the Museum-reserve "Abramtsevo".2008 year, together with V. Zvyagintsev made an art project of painting of the Central limit Church of All Russian saints in goredeath-Ilimsk. 2006 decoration of the 1st issue of the almanac "Chistye Prudy", the author of the project V. L. Harsh.

2007 decoration of the book "Paremii the great Sabbath," the author of the project V. L. Harsh.

Works are in the collection of Kirillo-Belozersky historical-architectural and art Museum-reserve, Historical-artistic and literary Museum-reserve "Abramtsevo", in private collections in Russia and USA.

  • Artworks in 1 selection
  • Discipline artistiche
  • Soggetti
    Natura morta
  • Studi
  • Insegnanti
  • Allievi