Nikolaevich Perelman

Russia • 1892−1967

Biography catalogue of the hood. the exhibition "15 years of RKKA". Moscow 1933

Perelman Victor Nikolayevich (1892) he started his artistic education in Saratov Bogolyubov drawing school, which graduated in 1912 and worked in the Studio of P. I. Kelin, and then entered the Moscow school of painting, graduating in 1918 by the class of Professor S. V. Malyutina.

In College and worked in the workshops of Professor Kasatkina, Pasternak, Arkhipov and K. Korovin.

From 1918 to 1922, he was in a managerial organizational and artistic work in Saratov.

In 1922 he moved to Moscow. One of the executives of AChRs from the early days of the organization.

In 1927 he organized Ochs (Unity of self-taught artists). The author of many literary works on the fine arts. A party to the main, stationary and mobile exhibitions in the USSR and some foreign.

There is work in the State. Tretyakovsky gallery, Russian Museum, the Museum of the red army, the revolution Museum, etc.

Participant of exhibitions to mark the fifth anniversary and a decade of the red army.

One of the organizers and leaders of the Moscow Union of Soviet artists.

(1892, Lipetsk -1967, Moscow).

Wrote mainly portraits and genre works. A significant place in the work of Perelman has taken the industrial theme. He studied at the Bogolyubov drawing school in Saratov (1910-1912), and then the Moscow school of painting Abram Arkhipov, Nikolay Kasatkin, Konstantin Korovin, Sergey Malyutin (1915-1919). In 1918-1922 years in Saratov, participated in the project Agitation propaganda, was a representative FROM Narcompros and rector of the Saratov arts and crafts Institute, then moved to Moscow. He was one of the founders AHRR, was one of the first full members of the Association, occupied the chair. It was a "Union painters" (1918), "Society of artists of the Moscow school" (1923). Was the initiator of the creation in 1930 of the "Federation of unions of Soviet artists" (hereinafter the "Union of artists", was part of the Presidium). With 1923. participant of all-Union and foreign exhibitions (including: "Artists of RSFSR for 15 years", the Venice Biennale, 1930). Works of the artist are in the Tretyakov gallery, the Russian Museum, in many regional museums.

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