Stepanovich Syromyatnikov

Russia • 1885−1979

1885, d. Ildarova Belebeevsky Canton Upim. lips., now miyakinskogo R-na RB - 1979, Ufa, Russia) member of the USSR Union of artists since 1937. Graduated from the Kazan art. school (1912, PED. P. P. Benkov). From 1912 he lived and worked in Ufa. In 1916-19 the participant of Ufim. of the society of art lovers. One of the organizers of Ufim. branch of the Association hood. roar. Russia. In 1920-46]. et al. Upim. hood. Museum (see Museum of Art (HMM). M. V. Nesterova), where OSN. attention was paid to the collection of samples Nar. decor.-Prikl. art. At the beginning of the 20th along with by K. Davletkildeev, by A. Tolkinen, A. Temple. J. Blumenthal traveled to exp. in remote villages of Southeast. districts of Bashkortostan. For the first time made an attempt to classify the vast range of subjects mater. culture of the Bashkirs. In 1939, along with hood. A. Linesim Tolkinen, I. Uryadovy participated in the design of the all-Union. agricultural exhibition in Moscow (1972). T-S. as an artist is directly related to HUD. the study of the culture and life of the Bashkirs. DOS. scenic prod.: "Bashkir", "Guests on the women's side," "Street in kočevje" (1928) and the album of sketches of the samples bash. ornament - all UH them. M. V. Nesterov, - demonstrate the versatility and creative. the integrity of the artist. S. party Rep. (1937), zonal (1974), vseros. and the all-Union. (1926), Zaruba. (1929, San Diego, USA) exhibitions.

O h : the Bashkir folk art //Art, 1977, -1.

Lit.: Yanbukhtina A. Y. Folk traditions in the decoration of the Bashkir house. Ufa. 1993.

(the author - A. G. Yanbukhtina)

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