Karl (Constantine)
Ivanovich Rosen

Russia • 1864−1934

Biografia e informazioni

1st half of the twentieth century. Painter, landscape painter. Worked together with his teacher Yuri Klever (1882-1942). Painted romantic landscapes in the style of Yu Clover.

Russian and Latvian artist Carl I. Rosen was born on 28 Jan 1864 in Jelgava. At the end of the local real school went to St. Petersburg, where he continued his studies at the Imperial Academy of arts under F. Burov, I. Shishkin and Y. Clover in the class of landscape painting. Exhibition of the artist took place in the halls of the Academy in 1906, 1908, 1912 and 1914.

In 1918 K. Rosen returned to Latvia, where he continued to work actively. Here, in Latvia, continued longtime friendship with Karl Julius Klever, who at the beginning 20. century lived and worked in Riga, where he had his own salon – shop.

Solo exhibition Rosen was held in 1927 in Riga Club officers. After the exhibition the artist's works continued to sell.

The last three years of his life Carl Rosen worked very little, as he was terminally ill. Onomer March 18, 1934 in his native Jelgava.

K. Rosen was a typical representative of the old school of landscape painting.

Posthumous exhibition K. Rosen, organized the artist's widow, was held in Riga in 1937.

In the summer of 2003 in the gallery Antonija (Riga) had an exhibition called "the Romantic era in painting Baltic artists of the XIX – XX centuries", where it presents some landscapes of Carl Rosen.

Creativity K. Rosen due to the peculiarities of his time.

Most of the paintings during the life of the author found its fans in Denmark, Sweden, England, Holland, France, at home – in Latvia and in Russia. His lyrical landscapes, which embodied a poignant sense of homeland and poignant soul the spirituality of nature, decorated rooms of foreign residences and the walls of respectable houses.

From the article C. Pribytkovoj, A. Vardenis "Unknown K. Rosen" - the magazine "Antiques" N° 6(18), 2004, pp. 19 – 23.