Semenovich Tyurin

Russia • 1816−1882

Biografia e informazioni

Born in the village of Archangel, Vologda district, Vologda province (now Sokol district) in the family of a serf. Graduated from St. Petersburg Academy of painting. In 1857, the artist was awarded the title of academician of painting. Portraitist and painter. Worked on painting the Church of the Archangel Michael the Archangel in the village and other councils. Author of portraits of the noblemen of the teeth. Many of the paintings of the artist exhibited in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, in art galleries of Vologda and other cities. The last period of his life, Paton Tyurin spent in Vologda region, where he was buried.

(7.11.1816, S. Arkhangelsky, Bohatyrska volost (nowadays – Sokolsky R-n) – 6.08.1882, Vologda)

In the jubilee Handbook of the Academy of arts, compiled by S. N. Kondakov (1915), listed the name of our countryman Platon Semenovich Turin as a painter, awarded the title of academician.

Platon Tyurin was born 7 November (old style), 1816, in the village of Archangel, Vologda Bokhtarsky parish County (now Sokol district in the Vologda region) in the family of a serf Seeds of A. Tyurin.

Having received his freedom in 1843 from landowner A. A. halmova, he went to St. Petersburg in 1845 and has listed a student of the Academy of fine arts accepted there as oleochemistry. From the Academy it is known that in 1850 the Council of the Academy gives Tyurin certificate awarding him the title of free artist in historical and portrait painting.

In subsequent years (1850-1860-e) a young artist takes part in academic exhibitions, which appears before the public as a portrait painter. While appreciating the success of Turina in this genre, the Council of the Academy of arts gives him in 1857, the diploma of academician of portrait painting and claims to the rank of titular counselor.

Since the beginning of the 1860s the life and work of Tyurin Plato – the first in Vologda masters, received the Metropolitan vocational education and became an academic, is affiliated with Vologda. He has received commissions for portraits from local landowners Pejakovich, bryanchaninova, teeth, writes eminent citizens and priests with him enter into contracts for painting churches. Former mistress of the artist – V. N.Holmov – in 1862, invites him to paint St. Nicholas Church in his ancestral estate on the Holy Mountain of the Gryazovets district. He works at the ascension Church of the Spaso-Sumorin monastery (Hong Kong), the painted Church of Archangel Michael in his native village. Tyurin gets a lot of orders icons for the churches of Vologda and other cities of the province. In 1865, Plato, the grotesque marries the peasant village Arkhangelsk Agnes Karabanovo.

The successful activity of P. S. Tyurin muralist was seen in 1876-1877. he is involved in painting the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. This temple Tyurin was performed thirty-four icons. It is mentioned along with the renowned artists of the second half of the XIX century: V. I. Surikov, Vladimir Makovsky, I. M. by Prianishnikov, B. P. Villevalde, and others. As noted in the records of the Academy, he painted half-length portrait of Emperor Alexander II ordered the Vologda public Bank, the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker and multi-figure icon.

"I suppose so,' writes M. E. Daen, which was able to reveal many unknown pages of his biography, and to attribute work – what a hard physical work on the paintings of churches have completely undermined the health of Turina. After 1877 his name in the records of the Academy is not mentioned. Obviously, the last five years of his life he was seriously ill. August 6, 1882, he died of consumption and was buried in the River cemetery in Vologda".

Creative way PS Turina lasted little more than forty years. He entered the Academy at a rather Mature age of twenty-eight years, finished it in thirty-four years, and the title of academician was awarded when he was already over forty. Perhaps he received initial skills in painting someone from local artists. By the early 1840s include the researchers one of the earliest paintings Tyurin "Children of the landowner A. P. Miakova ", as well as a portrait of a married couple, A. P. and J. F. Pejakovich (GIAHS). This is a large ceremonial painting decorated once the interior of the manor of Nikolskoye and coexisted with shiny painting painting by English portrait artist George Dawe, depicting the parents of the then owner of the manor. Supportive attitude to the young artist can explain the fact that he often received orders for portraits of nobles of the neighbouring estates. By this time, the researchers include a romantic portrait of Sergei Zubov (WHT), which he portrayed with a gun and a hunting dog on nature background.

As a student of the Academy of fine arts and living in St. Petersburg, Platon Semenovich leaves lessons portrait art, receiving orders from patrons. Warm feelings permeated "portrait of the daughters of the artist I. K. Zaitsev" (RM), dated 1847, With his father depicted girls Tyurin had a warm friendly relationship and the commonality of fates. Ivan Kondratievich before graduating from art school in Arzamas, too, was a serf. Going to Poltava for teaching, he takes with him and the portrait. Professionalism Turina as an artist improved, and in the "Portrait" of 1857 (RM), for which he received high academic rank, it appears to be already a Mature master. Depicting himself in the Studio in a moment of creative reflection, the painter is not afraid to emphasize your eyes are tired, slightly swollen eyelids and ascetic hollowness of his cheeks, expressing those realistic tendencies that gradually included in the Russian art of the mid XIX century.

The picture of the creative heritage of Tyurin Plato would be incomplete without the story of his monumental works. One of the first major works in this field was painting the ceiling of the Catherine Church at the Academy of arts in 1857, based on sketches by famous Russian painter V. K. Shebuev under the guidance of famous teacher of the Academy F. A. Bruni, she was a good school for the future muralist. His paintings of churches and monastic churches in the Vologda province, was attracted to the traditions of Russian classicism characteristic of temple painting of this period.

The efforts of the Vologda art the name of "academician of the people" p. s. Tyurin returned to the cultural history of our region. Found and studied most of his easel works are in Museum collections in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Orel, Tver, Yekaterinburg, Vologda and Cherepovets. In Vologda held an exhibition, where he exhibited portraits made by the master. Measures are taken for restoration of unique murals of the temples in the village of Archangel and in Spaso-Solorina monastery.


1.Munin, A. N. Academician of the people / Artists of the people. – Vologda, 1959.

2.Daen M. E. Vologda artist P. S. Tyurin // Panorama-arts-6. – M., 1983.

3.New discoveries. Yearbook. 1984. – M., 1986.

4.Vologda artist Platon Semenovich Turin: 1816-1882 / Author Raven M. N. – Vologda, 1986.

5.Daen M. E. Vologda history in portraits: a gallery. – Vol. 2. – M., 2001.

Source: L. G. Sosnina. Outstanding people: Biographical essays, Ed. the Council "Vologda encyclopedia". -

Vologda, VSPU, publishing house "Rus", 2005. - 568 p. - ISBN 5-87822-271-X

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