Alexeyevich Pyankov

Russia • nato a 1961

Biografia e informazioni

Born in Gorky. Graduated from the Gorky Polytechnic Institute in 1984. Master of decorative and applied arts (art processing of wood and bark). Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1998. 1993-participant of regional exhibitions. Exhibitor of zonal ("Great Volga", 1998, 2003), the exhibition of crafts (N. Novgorod, 1993, 1995, 1996; Moscow, 1998), national (Moscow, 1997; St. Petersburg, 1997; Saratov, 1995) art exhibitions. Solo exhibitions (jointly with E. Luscinia): Moscow, 1996, 1997. He taught at the school of arts and crafts them. Of A. S. Pushkin "Izograf" (1993-1997).