
Russia • nato a 1955

Biografia e informazioni

1973 - 1984 he worked as an engraver at an Engineering plant them. V. I. Lenin (Chrysostom). Since 1984 lives and works in Saint-Petersburg. He graduated from LHPU them. V. I. Mukhina at the Department of artistic treatment of metals (1989). Member of the Union of artists of Russia (1982). Master of metal art in SPbGPU (1989). The creation of the author of bladed weapons deals since 1979 Member of several national and international arms and jewelry exhibitions. Award “Best art knife” at the specialized exhibition in new Jersey, USA (1992). The prize judges at the specialized exhibition in Atlanta, USA (1993). Diploma and medal of the international jewelry exhibition in St. Petersburg (1996). Works are in private and Museum collections (including the collection of the State historical-cultural Museum-preserve “the Moscow Kremlin”).

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