Afanasievich Verkhoturov

Russia • nato a 1925

Born: S. Budyumkan Zab. lips. He Graduated From Zab. military infantry school (1944). VOV, commander of a rifle platoon of the 1st and 4th Ukrainian front, twice wounded, disabled. After the war he worked in the Cheat. geologorazvedochnyi technician-geophysicist, head of the search party, a geologist. Participant and winner of region growing. exhibitions: "my Love Zab." (Chita, 1983), "Frontiers of creation" (Moscow, 1986), "the Corner of Russia — father's house" (Perm, 1986), "Picture Sib., Zab. and the Far East." (Chita, 1987), "Journey beyond the Baikal" (Moscow, 1988), "Photography Zab. at the turn of the century" (Chita, 2001), "Photo Zab." (Moscow, 2003). CHOGM in 1995 held a personal exhibition. Awarded order of the red Star (1944).

(Leskov V. M.)

Lit.: Kurtz Yu Stopped a moment // Zab. worker. — 1983. — 2 Dec.; My native Zab. // Sov. woman. — 1984. — No. 11; A. Gamow Present the photo club "Dauria" // Sov. Russia. — 1986. — 4 Sept.; Gardeners Yu Look at lake Baikal // Sov. photo. — 1988. — No. 12; Fotocontest Russia. History, development and current state of photolubitel. — M., 1990.

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