Poor lisa

Orest Adamovich Kiprensky • Pittura, 1827, 45×39 cm
Digital copy: 1.3 MB
1721 × 2018 px • JPEG
35.3 × 40.7 cm • 124 dpi
29.1 × 34.2 cm • 150 dpi
14.6 × 17.1 cm • 300 dpi
Digital copy is a high resolution file, downloaded by the artist or artist's representative. The price also includes the right for a single reproduction of the artwork in digital or printed form.
Informazioni sull'opera
Disciplina artistica: Pittura
Soggetto e oggetti: Ritratto
Stile: Romanticismo
Tecnica: Olio
Materiali: Tela
Data di creazione: 1827
Dimensioni: 45×39 cm
Opera nelle compilazioni: 16 selections
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Descrizione del quadro «Poor lisa»

The picture is written on the plot of the story N.M. Karamzin "Poor Liza."
Other artworks by this artist
Portrait of Prince Ivan Alekseevich Gagarin
Portrait of Prince Ivan Alekseevich Gagarin
1811, 80×69 cm
Portrait of PI Gagarin
Portrait of PI Gagarin
Portrait of an Unknown Man with the Konstantinovsky Order of St. George
Portrait of an Unknown Man with the Konstantinovsky Order of St. George
1830-er , 62×54 cm
Digital copy
Portrait of a young girl
Portrait of a young girl
1829, 30.3×22.7 cm
Portrait of Prince N. P. Trubetskoy
Portrait of Prince N. P. Trubetskoy
1826, 93.5×76.5 cm
Vorozheya with a candle
Vorozheya with a candle
1830, 64×51 cm
Digital copy
Flooding in Petersburg on November 7, 1824
Flooding in Petersburg on November 7, 1824
1824, 28.4×20.6 cm
Porträt der Gräfin Pototskaya und ihrer Schwester Shuvalova mit äthiopischem Mädchen
Porträt der Gräfin Pototskaya und ihrer Schwester Shuvalova mit äthiopischem Mädchen
1835, 154×203 cm
Digital copy
Portrait of Prince F. A. Golitsyn
Portrait of Prince F. A. Golitsyn
1833, 83.5×68 cm
Landscape with haulers
Landscape with haulers
1810-er , 20×24 cm
Veröffentlichungen zum Kunstwerk
Empfohlene Kunstwerke:
Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna Kvitchenko. Napa Valley, California
Napa Valley, California
2023, 90×60 cm
Unknown artist. "Checkmate."
  • Werbung
88×80 cm
Guzel Rakhmetova. Copywriting marks
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Copywriting marks
2025, 50×50 cm
Olga Shatskaya. Hydrangea
  • Werbung
2025, 70×60 cm
Andrei Viktorovich Maximov. "In a rainbow."
  • Werbung
"In a rainbow."
2023, 120×210 cm
$20 000
Andrei Viktorovich Maximov. Walking on Ashes 1 (triptych)
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Walking on Ashes 1 (triptych)
2023, 130×130 cm
$35 000
Sergei Borisovich Krivonogov. A view of silvery Tuscania. Italy
  • Werbung
A view of silvery Tuscania. Italy
2019, 30×24 cm
Digital copy
Digital copy
Unknown artist. Bells
  • Werbung
4×3 cm
Xenia Keith. The Three Graces
  • Werbung
The Three Graces
2025, 70×50 cm