Mykolaivna Novoselskaya

Russia • nata a 1926

Biografia e informazioni

Schedule.Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Was born in Leningrad. The entire siege I lived in the besieged city, worked and studied in the Tauride school (now the art school. N. N. Roerich). After the war in 1949-1956 he studied at the graphic Department of the Academy of arts. Among the first professional artist's works, a large series of linocuts "Leningrad blockade" (1959-1960), which draws on memories of lived through the blockade. In these sheets, with piercing sharpness and convincingly convey the image of a besieged city. In 1961, for the series "Leningrad in blockade" Novoselskaya was awarded the first prize in the contest of young Leningrad artists; 5 works acquired Russian Museum.

At the exhibition in the Peter and Paul fortress exhibits works Novoselskaya 1944-1980-ies, among them early works by the artist created in besieged Leningrad; the series "the Leningrad blockade" (1959-1960), a series of gouaches "My family in the siege" (1985). Work Novoselskaya distinguished by monumentality, the depth and generality of images.

Thesis in the CVC - design and illustration by B. Lavrenev's "Story", evaluation - excellent. The training took place in the graphical Department. Qualified graphic artist. (D. R. on the list of Islands 1926-06-03)