George Wesley

United States • 1882−1925

Biografia e informazioni

In 1904 became one of the founders of the new York art group school Escena (Ashcan School) in 1909 entered the National Academy of design.

The famous painting of J. W. Bellows — "Dempsey and Firpo" (Dempsey and Firpo, Museum of American art Whitney) depicts boxer — bellows had always been interested in sports. The colours and the imagination of the artist reflect the true strength and dynamics of movements of athletes.

Beautiful portraits created by Bellows circa 1910 are a surprising contrast to his rich, dynamically-realistic paintings depicting life in the big city — first new York.

Born in Columbus (PCs Ohio, USA) August 12, 1882. Studied at Ohio University (1902-1904) and the new York school of art (1904) under the guidance of R. Henry. Under the influence of the latter joined the group of American Impressionists, which hostile critics called because of its critical interest to the "margins of life" — "school bin". Lived in new York, and later often worked in the open air on the island of Monhegan (PCs me).


Became known free and colorful in the manner of writing, but at the same time dramatic images of urban life — such as the scene of a fierce Boxing match in his most famous painting, Set, sharky! (1907-1909, Museum of Art, Cleveland). Was one of the main organizers of the avant-garde of the new York exhibition "Armory show", but creatively was far from avant garde. Emotional, in their own "Jack-andonovska" energy his manners are evident in the landscape (Up the Hudson, 1908, Metropolitan Museum, new York; Blue snow, 1910, art Gallery, Columbus). The most balanced, sometimes idyllic-late intimate portraits Bellows (Kids on the porch, 1919; Fanny, 1920, art Center, des Moines); his impressionistic style in this period was noticeably given way to a more Cabinet and classic manner of writing.


Bellows was also a master of drawing and lithography. In 1912-1917 he has collaborated as Illustrator with the socialist magazine "Messis". Successfully worked as a teacher at the art students League artists in new York (1910).


Bellows died in new York January 8, 1925.