Leonidovich Yatsenko

Russia • nato a 1958

Biografia e informazioni

Born on 30 June 1958 in Leningrad in a family of a graphic artist. At age 11 he entered the children's art school and then art school. V. A. Serov. 19 Leonid Yatsenko started to cooperate with several publishing houses ("Shipbuilding", "Medicine", "Science", etc.) as a designer. Around the same time the artist became interested in icon painting, which influenced his early paintings.

L. L. Yatsenko. Maps have become one of the main themes of the artist, attracted his attention at school. A landmark can be considered, and the fact that a military expert Leonid Yatsenko is the topography.


Tallinn (Estonia) – 1990

Stuttgart (Germany) – 1999

Stuttgart (Germany) – 2000

Saint Petersburg – spring 2003

Saint-Petersburg. Youth summit "Big eight". Saint Petersburg state University – April 2006

Saint-Petersburg. The summit of "Big eight". Congress Palace (Strelna) – July 2006

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