Vladimirovich Sverdlov

Russia • nato a 1958

B. 20.11.1958, Zagorsk (Moscow region). Studied in Art Studio at the Palace of pioneers and schoolchildren Zagorska S. A. Kokurina, I. Sandyreva; AHPU them. V. M. Vasnetsov (1980-84), MIT (1987-92), thesis project "Youth skin suit". D. P. Glagolev.

Artist SHPM (1993-96). Member of the artists Union (1997).

Performed works (H. M.): "a moonlit night" (1996), "Winter sketch" (1998), "Cloudy day" (1999), "August", "Autumn day" (both 2001), "the City of my childhood" (2004).

Participant of exhibitions (1995), including: youth exhibition (Sergiev Posad, 1995), IX all-Russian art exhibition "Russia" (Moscow, 1999), exhibition of artists of Sergiev Posad (Fulda, Germany, 2001), "Autumn salon" (Sergiev Posad, Moscow obl., 2002), "Artists of Sergiev Posad" (Wiley, 2004).

Exhibition of the works of S. took place in 2001 (Sergiev Posad, Moscow region).

The works of S. are in private collections in Russia, USA, Germany, Australia.

CATALOGUES: IX all-Russian art exhibition "Russia": K-g / Ed. ed. by I. Nekhoroshev. – M., 1999. – Autumn salon-2002: the year of paintings, drawings and sculpture of the V exhibition. – Sergiev Posad, 2002. – C. 17. – Autumn salon-2004: K-g paintings, drawings and sculptures. – Sergiev Posad, 2004. – S. 15. [81]

A. G.

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