Vasilievich Lebew

Russia • 1905−1987

(1905, Rzhev — 1987, Moscow).

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Honored artist of the RSFSR (1970). In 1926 he graduated from VHUTEMAS, where he studied in the studios of Ilya Mashkov and Pyotr Konchalovsky. Since 1926 — member AHRR, participant of exhibitions of the Association. Member of Moscow Union of artists — since 1932. In 1943 he worked in the Studio of military artists to them. Grekova. Participant of Moscow, Russian and all-Union exhibitions. Works of the artist are in the Tretyakov gallery and in several regional museums.

(1905, Rzhev – 1977, Moscow)

Honored artist of the RSFSR. In 1925-1927 he studied at the Central Studio AHHR (Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia) in the Studio of I. I. Mashkov, then at the Moscow Department of the VKHUTEMAS (Higher art technical studios) under p. P. Konchalovsky.

From 1943 he worked in the Studio of military artists to them. M. B. Grekova.

The participant of foreign exhibitions of Soviet artists in Syria (1950), Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria (1961), England (1972). Personal exhibitions took place in Moscow in 1978-1979

Works are in State Tretyakov gallery, the Samara art Museum. The works of D. V. Lebedev decorate the courtroom of the UN, the premises of the Russian Embassy in London.

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