Venice. Piazzetta San Marco.

Oleg Zelikov • Pittura, 2024, 60×80 cm
  • Dimensioni: 518.1 kB
    1280 × 960 px • JPEG
    47.1 × 35.3 cm • 69 dpi
    21.7 × 16.3 cm • 150 dpi
    10.8 × 8.1 cm • 300 dpi
Informazioni sull'opera
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Disciplina artistica: Pittura
Soggetto e oggetti: Architettura, Vedutismo, Paesaggio urbano
Tecnica: Olio
Materiali: Tela
Data di creazione: 2024
Dimensioni: 60×80 cm
Regione: Moscow
Venditore: Oleg Zelikov
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Descrizione del quadro «Venice. Piazzetta San Marco.»

Oil painting "Venice. Morning on Piazzetta San Marco" conveys the special atmosphere of the famous city on the water.
The canvas depicts the morning awakening of Venice, when the silence is not yet dispersed by the voices of people and the sounds of boats.
The soft morning light plays on the waves of the Grand Canal, illuminating the ancient buildings. The Piazzetta Square, enlivened by a few early tourists and passers-by, creates a sense of calm and grandeur that conveys the unique beauty of morning Venice.
Such a picture will organically fit into your interior or become a worthy gift for your loved ones.

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