Nikolayevich Maltsev (1926-2010)

An extensive biography of P. N. Maltsev
1. Pyotr Nikolayevich Maltsev 23.02.1926 - 28.08.2010 G. was Born 23 February 1926. in the village of Maslovka Chuguevsky district, Kharkiv region in Ukraine (from 1931 on the site of the destroyed Scissors is a military polygon). Parents: father - Nikolai Maltsev G. (1900.-1978.) graduated two classes of parochial school, avoiding work on the farm (in the village Bashkirovke), sitting on the construction of the Kharkov tractor plant, saving himself and his family from imminent starvation during the famine in 32-33 years of the last century. Was a participant of the great Patriotic war, in consequence of wounds was the reserve; mother – Maltsev (Bureyko) Natalia p. (1905.-1989), the finished the 4th grade of grammar school, kept house, raised her son Peter and two daughters, Antonina and younger disabled Alexander. Survived the war with the children without leaving Chuguevsky, occupied and almost in the frontal area C. Bashkirovku, S. Swan, p. Kochetok, Chuguev. In the family spoke in Ukrainian, his father, little Peter was called "Tato" and considered himself a Ukrainian (originally, before the Russification of the founders of the genus bore the name Malezi, however apparently different generations of the family Maltsev thought to be his native language - Ukrainian, Russian language. Parents father adhered to the Protestant faith, were Baptists (but the faith was not forced), led a modest and austere life and respected the moral and ethical precepts and norms, were conscientious people. Raised their children in severity, nor any altercations with adults were not allowed and were suppressed, children respectfully addressed to their parents "you"...
In childhood was evident thrust of Peter for drawing – begging the soldiers (chuguevskiy native military region) a pencil stub with a piece of paper, he enthusiastically portrayed what he saw, wrote a bizarre fairytale and epic stories, loved to draw Russian heroes, developed creative imagination. The reality seen in a special way, in a kind of refraction, fixing all the variety of natural colors and shades.
Child of Peter Maltsev survived collectivization and the famine of 1932-1933. The great Patriotic war, met in the village Bashkirovku, the outskirts of chugueva. Assigning someone the year (document date of birth 10.03.1925 g) he succeeded in July 1943 enlist in the red Army, thus he escaped death from starvation or bombing in the frontal area. After graduating from high school of Junior commanders in November 1943, he was sent to the front.
VOV - direct participation in hostilities more than six months. In the composition of the 1st Ukrainian front participated in the battles for the liberation of the Soviet homeland and Eastern Europe, in the storming of Berlin. Was injured (he was treated in a military hospital in Linz, Germany), the invalid 1 gr. With 1943. in 1950. served military service in the red and then Soviet Army, senior Sergeant , commander of the artillery, has various military awards (in particular the order of the Patriotic war, medals for Valor, for Military merit, for the capture of Berlin... ).
2. After the war he returned to his native Slobodian. With 1950. in 1955. worked as an artist at the arts factory in Kharkov and studied at the art Studio where the teachers were known in Kharkov artists – S. M. Besedin, E. N. Tregub, V. Nasedkin, and then at the Art Fund.
Married. Wife Mal (Milanko) Praskovya Grigorievna (1932 – 2014), mathematician (three red diploma of higher education, including Ob graduating with honors from the physico-mathematical faculty of Kharkov state University), in addition received the diploma of teacher of drawing and art history. Worked as a teacher of mathematics and drawing in a secondary school and part-time taught art history at the Chuguevsky art school for children.
Children: eldest son Yuri (born 1968) is an economist by education and gosupravlenie, works as the head of the enterprise; the younger Alexander (born 1972) is a teacher of drawing and sketching, as well as sports coach, fitness coach.
3. With 1956. in 1965. worked as an artist at Kharkiv art Fund. Participated in all-Union exhibitions of folk art, for which he was awarded diplomas and the Diploma of trade unions (1961.-1964). In 1962. received appreciation for active participation in art exhibitions. In 1962. studied at the Ukrainian polygraphic Institute of the graphic Department in the city. He studied at the famous graphics famous. In 1968. graduated with a degree graphic artist.
4. In 1966. he was appointed to the position of Director of Chuguevsky art school named. Repin (Chuguev - the birthplace of Ilya Repin), where he worked for almost forty years.
Art school in the city of Chuguev were organized in 1953. With 1953. in 1966. release of pupils in this school was 3-4 student. The school was on the brink of closure. Since 1966. in the Chuguevsky art school annually to educate over 100 people and the annual output is around 20-30 people. The exhibition of works of students are exhibited annually at various sites in Kharkiv region, as well as at international exhibitions in Algeria, England, Italy and Japan... the Academy of the USSR and Union of artists of the USSR awarded the school for the progress medal of the "Venetsianov".
5. For all his creative activities by Peter N. was created about thousands of works, not a few of them were just donated and are now in galleries, museums, and other state and public institutions. In 2006 by decree of the President of Ukraine Petro Maltsev (the member of the Union of artists of Ukraine) was awarded the title of Honored worker of culture of Ukraine for significant personal contribution in socially-economic, scientific and cultural development of Ukraine, significant achievements and active public activity. Solutions of sessions of city and district councils, Peter Nikolaevich Maltsev was awarded the title "Honorary citizen of the city of Chuguev" and "Honorary citizen of Chuguevsky district."

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