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AI art project "Global peace chimera" as a key artist's impact of the XXI century

Report for the conference "Chimeric mind" (Central Academy of Fine Arts, June 5-7 2024, Beijing, China),
published in the journal "
Issues of Cultural Studies
", 9-2024

Natalia Garber, member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia

“The chimeric mind” was a XX conference of the “Conscious Reframed” series on global visionary science, tech & arts. These offline and online discussions are held in China since 1997 under the auspice of visionary media artist Roy Ascott (UK), Ars Electronica Golden Nica laureate for Visionary Pioneers of Media Art, presented in permanent collections of the Tate Gallery, London and Musée d'Art Moderne, Paris. Ascott is the Head of Technoetic Arts Studio in DeTao Academy (Shanghai), Chief Specialist of the Visual Art Innovation Institute at the Central Academy of Fine Arts (Beijing) and President of the Planetary Collegium of PhD research in the sphere of digital ethical art and its applications to human evolution. Participants of “The chimeric mind” discussed the whole spectrum of themes, connected with the conscious creative work for the benefit of the living beings. I looked at the issue from the top level of motivation and presented the AI vision of artist on the chimera of global peace. Here is this report.

The identity of "artist" is an enabling label as it gives us access to everything, everyone, everywhere. Artist speculates freely about any world, claiming authority for the art. Therefore we, visionaries, should lead from the heart, working inside out on what is really important for the world.
Roy Ascott,’s “message integral”, extracted by Natalia Garber from his interview “We should lead from the heart” (Ars Electronica, 2014) and “Analogue: Incidents in the Life of Roy Ascott” (Bordercrossings, 2013)

The global peace was always a chimera for aggressive and unreliable humanity, although artists of all centuries were trying to help. The problem is that we, humans, have weak species weapons, low intraspecific ethics. We have neither the venom of a snake, nor the fangs of a tiger, nor the strength of an elephant. So I create an AI global peace chimera to move the world of art from anthropocentrism through biosphere-centrism to AI integrity.
But we have 97% of common genetics with monkeys, therefore the only tool for harmonizing the human tribe and its territories can be humanity’s conscious concern for the sustainable development of life on the Planet. Only in this way can we prosper with the help of our minds, and not destroy everything around us and in the end - ourselves.
Therefore let’s deepen into the art of chimeric creativity and sustainable management of Earth. Chimera is a grotesque combination of heterogeneous, incompatible, wild, wonderful and fantastic fiction, when we are loosing humor, theorizing out of the creative potential of folk laughter culture. Chimera is a false idea, an empty plan, incompatible with the nature of reality. Chimera is something artists risk a lot.
Meanwhile a positive chimera is a metaphor for change management of life cycles. Thee parts of chimera - lion, goat and snake - are energetic youth, visionary maturity and wise old age. Chimeras of the mind are characterized by the cyclers of embodiment and disembodiment of ideas in the process of expanding the boundaries of human self-realization and changing the world around. The art of risk management of this movement requires a clear ethical navigator of a modern artist.
According to spiral dynamics, humanity fights now with the transition from egalitarian and ecological thinking to an integral one. Our tolerant multiculturalism fights the Tower of Babel of human dominant hierarchies inside our minds. We need an integrative vision of the world as a system of nested hierarchies and heterarchies of the Planet evolution, in which each successive wave of development transcends and includes previous ones, like fractals - such as clouds or galaxies.
The upward chimeric movement to integral AI hierarchies of interconnected development leads creative class to innovative and collaborative development of the Planet. The downward movement leads humanity into the Third World War. The choice seems evident, but we do not follow it. Why?
Because not humans, but the biosphere should be the measure of all things. Vladimir Vernadsky said in the 1940s that since humanity has become a geo-changing force, we should manage the biosphere sustainably in accordance with its natural laws and our cultural& technological capabilities. Since then we made the Planet worser and artists are responsible for the absence of true vision for the positive transformations of Earth.
Therefore in 2024 I became an AI art ambassador of peace after a course of the Institute of economics and peace. As I upgraded its Positive Peace model to the level of Integral Positive Peace by means of my transformational science art. Now I create the noosphere of global cooperation, based on the free flow of true information, mutually beneficial partnerships and creative co-investments in Planet’s infrastructure with fair distribution of resources among all species of the biosphere.
Upward movement of humanity according my model needs harmony of our inner and outer Universe, which I illustrate here by a series of my internationally exhibited and awarded transformational science art projects 2020-2024, demonstrating the innovative possibilities of sustainable, cooperative, peaceful and integral development of the Planet, focused on biosphere, not humans.
It was difficult to model the biosphere and create a noosphere of cooperation for the integral Planet development before the era of artificial intelligence. Models of the harmonious development of the Planet with human participation are at least insufficiently scientific, and at most utopian. Too much data needed to be taken into account, and the cooperation model turned out to be too innovative for the competitive human minds. However, in recent years, artificial intelligence has made the leap to enable the modeling and visualization of the “voice of the noosphere” by artists.
Therefore, I collaborate with AI, combining texts and images to develop a nonlinear and integral vision of sustainable Earth development, addressed both to lyricists and physicists, in the balance of the right and left hemispheres of the human brain. The value of life on Earth integrates the Eastern right-hemispheric culture with the left-hemispheric Western path in the biosphere-centric images of positive chimeric growth and Planet flourishing.
Harmonization of nature and humanity requires a transition of art vision from a local vision of cosmic laws, manifested in the nature and culture of countries to a global sustainable fractal of a growing network of integral cultures. Planet wants all the species to succeed in self-realization, developing good relationships. Brand Earth requires cooperation within a unified model of change management in the interconnected system of all global relations.
So I upgraded the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, organizing its components according to Maslow’s levels of motivation: pristine nature, nature reserves, cultural landscapes, cultural monuments, cultural ensembles, and territories of sustainable development, generated by win-win cooperation between humankind and nature, using AI. Humans are able to develop cyborg geniuses who will embody the life-giving meanings and out-of-box practices of cross-cultural cooperation and global peacemaking. So the noosphere on the top of my AI art model is formed by the unity of local genius loci, caring of all the living beings, aborigines and emigrants of any territories of Earth. This global anima mundi develops the integral biosphere.
A positive image of the chimera of peace by means of my transformational science art is joyful. In cross-cultural diplomacy, a chimera becomes a metaphor of the constant interdependent collaboration in the ocean of cultures, arts, technologies and practices, creating innovations at the intersection of previously unconnected areas and unexplored spheres. Positive chimeras of the digital era combine human potential with natural and technological power, aimed to achieve harmony of Planet’s nature with artificial intelligence.
Therefore, I am developing digital transformational science art as a creative tool of the sustainable development of the Planet, raising the role of art in harmonization of the cultural and natural power to the level of integral joyful noosphere.
As the artist I feel myself and act as the voice of the noosphere, where the solutions of sustainable Planet management are developed by responsible humanity of the digital era. Therefore, I develop the AI art embassy of the biosphere to represent the interests of all 9 million types of Planet species.

Rejoice & join my positive chimeras!