The Heavyweight Industry Pioneer

Anton Evgenievich Frolov • Pittura, 2022, 75×75×3 cm
Informazioni sull'opera
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Disciplina artistica: Pittura
Stile: Gotico
Tecnica: Tempera
Materiali: Albero
Data di creazione: 2022
Dimensioni: 75×75×3 cm

Descrizione del quadro «The Heavyweight Industry Pioneer»

The image of the labor hero in a futuristic reading, which I was inspired by the portraits of toilers in socialist realism in the 60s. But unlike the smiling, confident heroes of the future, my character is not cheerful at all, under the weight of his exoskeleton, and his gaze is turned not to the wonderful distance, but deep into himself...