Vasily Matveyevich Belikov

0 artworks in collection • Collecting Vladimir Dykan

Vasily Matveyevich Belikov (1922-1994)

Born in the village of Svishchevka in the Tambov region. In the early 30's his family moved to Astrakhan, where Vasily entered an art school.
In early 1941 he was drafted to the Navy and sent to the Joint School of the Caspian Naval Flotilla. The war began. In 1942 Vasily Belikov was a Red Fleet officer on the gunboat "Baku Worker" on the Caspian Sea. In 1943 he already fought near Novorossiysk as part of a battalion of marines. Later he served in parts of the Observation and Communication Service in the Black Sea Fleet. He was awarded medals.
In 1947, after demobilization, Vasily Belikov came to Penza and was accepted to the 3rd course of Penza Art School. After graduation he joined the Penza branch of the Art Fund and later, from 1955 to 1961, was its director. He invested a lot of strength and health in the realization of the construction of the House of the Artist in Penza. And in his forties he fell ill with tuberculosis and became an invalid, having been out of action for several years. It was then, wandering around hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, he gave himself a vow: to devote the rest of his life to painting, art. Having overcome the disease, the artist with tripled passion gave himself to creativity. Since the early 70's works Belikov exhibited at many exhibitions. In 1975 he was admitted to the Union of Artists of the USSR.
Vasily Belikov successfully wrote and portraits, and still lifes. But his main love in art is landscape. He always painted from nature. Vasily Matveyevich was particularly good at capturing the subtle nuances of the state of nature waking up or going to sleep.
The artist's name is included in the Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Artists of the Twentieth Century, as well as in the World Biographical Dictionary of Artists. Vasily Matveyevich Belikov has the 4th category in the "Unified Artistic Rating" directory.

The artist's works are in the Penza Picture Gallery and in private collections in Russia and abroad, and have been sold at auctions in the USA, Italy and Ireland.

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