Add exhibition

You can create an exhibition for any gallery in the Art Archive, however, the exhibition will be published after moderation by the gallery.
Informazioni generali
Title and description
You can add title and description in several languages
Add photos and videos from the exhibition venue. They will be shown at the top of the exhibition page.
Videos and photos
You can download jpg and png images. Minimal image height 440px. You can download mp4 and avi videos.
Insert a youtube or vimeo link to your video.
Location and dates
Specify the artists presented at the exhibition. The list of artists will be provided at the bottom of the exhibition page. Add some artworks, that the viewers can see. This will increase public interest.
Add artworks and artists
Carica immagini
Download one or several audio tracks to help visitors around the exhibition.
Caricamento file
Upload file
Add another audioguide
Participating galleries and museums
Indicate other participating galleries and museums
You can broadcast from the exhibition, adding news to the exhibition feed. This is useful if there are special events, master classes, seminars, performances or other activities at the exhibition. All exhibition followers will see the updates on their feeds, the broadcasts will also be available at the exhibition page.
Broadcast from exhibition
Broadcast from exhibition is a news feed of text entries and photos of the events. Broadcast can be done by you only.
Marzo 2025