"In the Northern wilderness ..."

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin • Pittura, 1891, 161×118 cm
Digital copy: 302.2 kB
1200 × 1722 px • JPEG
35.3 × 48.2 cm • 86 dpi
20.3 × 29.2 cm • 150 dpi
10.2 × 14.6 cm • 300 dpi
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Informazioni sull'opera
Disciplina artistica: Pittura
Soggetto e oggetti: Paesaggio
Tecnica: Olio
Materiali: Tela
Data di creazione: 1891
Dimensioni: 161×118 cm
Opera nelle compilazioni: 123 selections
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Descrizione del quadro «"In the Northern wilderness ..."»

Name "In the Northern wilderness..." clearly shows: the picture is not fitting with the mood of the poem by Lermontov, it is exactly what it illustrates, and so successfully, that, probably, who saw the painting Shishkin certainly remembers it when the first lines of Lermontov. Recall we are:

In the North the wild stands alone
On the bare top of a pine,
And sleep, shaking, and snow loose
Clothed as with a garment, she.

The picture the artist intended to illustrate the works of Mikhail Lermontov, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary from the day of his death. Thus, first there was the picture that gave Shishkina an idea to do a painting in oil. In the gallery there are Archive sketch and etudeto this work.

Lermontov, translated a poem by Heinrich Heine is about loneliness and the bitterness of unrequited love, and Shishkin was able to fully convey the melancholy and loneliness, embodied in the Russian version of the work. Illustration directs us specifically to Lermontov's version, it's more about the tragedy of loneliness in General than about unrequited love. However, remembering the second verse

And dream about her all that in the desert far,
In the land where the sun rises,
Alone and sad on the cliff fuel
Beautiful palm tree grows –

we can represent the same southern landscape. Theoretically, it would illustrate, perhaps, not Shishkin. Inspired Shishkin Russian landscape, with palm trees depicted on his canvases the vast not happened. Artist Vitold Byalynitsky-Birula said: "I am convinced that if Lermontov saw the painting Shishkin, and he'd be happy". .

A huge pine tree on the edge of the cliff seems like the only tree? being? the only inhabitant of this icy world. This painting, like many other works by Shishkin, gives reason to doubt the assumption that Shishkin great painter, but the flavor had not happened.

The colour scheme really discreet, but what is in it for the wealth, the real "50 shades" snow, night, gloomy, and lonely. In front of us – the embodiment of white silence, what is it multicolor. The color of snow presented range from pure white to deep blue, surrounding the world in black hiding at the bottom of the abyss and almost dawn blue at the top. The top of the pines lit by the moon we do not see, but guessed that the only interlocutor of pine in the Northern wilderness.

Author: Alain Grosheva