Descrizione del quadro «Giraffe»
"Smiled on me life twice: when I lived in Kakheti, in Eldorado, Paradise country on the banks of the Kura river"– quoted Kirill Zdanevich in the book "Niko Pirosmani" the words of the artist.
A garden of pleasure, the Eldorado was the property of a rich man Titicaca. It is unknown whether he was paying for the paintings of Pirosmani, but clearly he artist was always waiting for warmth, food and the opportunity to write. The famous "Giraffe" Pirosmani has written for the son of his benefactor, the little Karaman. For the month in Eldorado, Pirosmani created 13 paintings, including a diptych
"Ortachala beauty",
"Nurse with baby",
"Black lion"– also for Karaman.
Titiev knew the value of a weird skinny painter, vacationing and enthusiastically wrote in his "the enchanted country of Eldorado". When he tried to buy the painting, he replied:
"Don't sell. The paintings of Pirosmani more precious than gold".
Many experts note that the animals in the paintings of Pirosmani the human eye. The giraffe seems a creature from another planet, his figure combines the grandeur and remarkable sensitivity. It fills the entire space of the painting, standing out clearly against the blue sky and the dark olive tint of the earth.
This is one of the most poignant works of Niko Pirosmani. Unlike many of his paintings, it connects monumentality with a sense of movement. It seems another moment, and the giraffe starts to Pragati sensitive ears. And in the next moment, will he be here?
Lonely, full of vitality and fragility at the same time, "Giraffe" was especially memorable to anyone who ever saw him. And if many other works of Pirosmani scolded for lack of psychologism, the view of a giraffe for a long time sinks into the soul. I think he gets the silent conversation that words cannot Express.
Author: Alain Esaulova