Pagan holidays "Wheel of the year"
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Wheel of the year — the annual cycle of holidays, the current followers of Wicca and modern European pagans, for which a peculiar observance of all festivals. However, the celebration of certain holidays (sometimes under other names) has a long history among the peoples of Europe.
Consists of eight festivals taking place through more-or-less equal intervals. At the heart of this cycle are observed from the Earth changing the path of the Sun across the celestial sphere during the year.
Regarding consensus, what holiday is considered the first of the year, there is no consensus in wiccan tradition it is called Samhain (Halloween), the Scandinavian Yule. The traditional attitude of Christians to this calendar is ambiguous — on the one hand its use is highly deprecated, many revered Christian holidays are the same dates as the holidays of the wheel of the year. In English, these Christian holidays often have pagan names: Easter — Easter (Ostara), Candlemas — Candlemass (Imbolc), etc. the Scandinavian Nations Yule (fin. Joulu) is used for the name of Christmas (carols).
Traditionally, these holidays are associated with the Celtic tradition (Samhain is often called the Celtic New year), however these holidays there are many nakelski of the peoples of Europe, including neindoevropeyskih (for example, the Finns in these days, there are holidays similar rituals).
Samhain (samain) — the night of 31 October to 1 November
Yule (Yule) winter solstice
Imbolc (Imbolc) — 1-2 Feb
Ostara (Ostara) — vernal equinox
Bealtaine (Beltane) — the night from 30 April to 1 may
Litha (Lita) — summer solstice
Lughnasadh (Lugnasad) — August 1-2
Mabon (Mabon) — autumnal equinox
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