The Death Of Socrates. Fragment

Jacques-Louis David • Pittura, 1787, 129.5×196.2 cm
Informazioni sull'opera
Disciplina artistica: Pittura
Soggetto e oggetti: Pittura storica, Pittura letteraria
Stile: Classicismo
Tecnica: Olio
Materiali: Tela
Data di creazione: 1787
Dimensioni: 129.5×196.2 cm
Opera nelle compilazioni: 7 selections
Per il momento la descrizione di questa opera non è ancora disponibile. Probabilmente verrà aggiunta più tardi. Segui gli aggiornamenti dell'Arthive.
Other artworks by this artist
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Sabine women stopping the battle between Romans and sabinyanami. Fragment III
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Sabine women stopping the battle between Romans and sabinyanami
Sabine women stopping the battle between Romans and sabinyanami
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Bonaparte crossing the Great St Bernard Pass
Bonaparte crossing the Great St Bernard Pass
1803, 246×231 cm
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Portrait Of Emmanuel-Joseph Sieja
Portrait Of Emmanuel-Joseph Sieja
1817, 98×74 cm
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Portrait Of Jakob Blau
Portrait Of Jakob Blau
1795, 92×73 cm
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Young Venetian after the WC
Young Venetian after the WC
1780, 148×96 cm
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Portrait of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier and his wife Marie Anne Pierrette Pulse. Fragment
Portrait of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier and his wife Marie Anne Pierrette Pulse. Fragment
1788, 259.7×194.6 cm
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The arrival of Napoleon in the town hall. Sketch
The arrival of Napoleon in the town hall. Sketch
1805, 26.2×40.8 cm
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The Death Of Seneca. Fragment II
The Death Of Seneca. Fragment II
1773, 123×160 cm
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Portrait of a young woman in a turban
Portrait of a young woman in a turban
1780, 55.2×46 cm
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