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The Trump Art: artists react to President

Since his inauguration, President Donald Trump doesn’t seem to be able to put the figures in his favor. The satirical work below, 'Trump Wave' by A. Richard Allen (V&A Illustration Awards), very clearly illustrates what it’s like to be in politics. Hokusai’s 'Great Wave' is such a beautiful and iconic image (it even has its own emoji), it seemed apt to reference it when seeking a metaphor for a frozen moment of dramatic anticipation. "The Trump coiffeur as the breaking wave was a neat piece of serendipity — I had to make an oblique reference to the man himself and chose to use his inimitable hairstyle," shares the artist.

From the President campaign and the election till today the world continues to express its feelings about President Trump not only verbally, but through the artists' works. Let’s go over the most bright ones!
The Trump Art: artists react to President
The intersection of art and politics is an old story. We have political art, activist art, the politics of art, and art as activism. Artists do not create in a vacuum, they are indisputably coupled to the society and times in which they work.

As a right of passage for all presidents, Donald Trump has been also immortalized in oils. Though, f

As a right of passage for all presidents, Donald Trump has been also immortalized in oils. Though, frankly speaking, it was not so easy. Twelve of the nation’s most revered portrait artists   have refused the White House’s invitation to capture Mr. Trump on canvas. And only Chas Fagan, a painter and sculptor from North Carolina, made the first official oil portrait of the President based on the photograph collection of Trump.

Those who had refused, claimed they found President Trump too fidgety and that "3-year-old kid can posess more patience, self-control and maturity than Trump does".

His signature is the testament to that!

Left: Chas Fagan. Donald Trump’s portrait. C-SPAN.org

Donald Trump’s signature is compressed and jagged, most of its lines cutting up and down at sharp an

Donald Trump’s signature is compressed and jagged, most of its lines cutting up and down at sharp angles, like stitches over a scar or tremors registering on a seismograph. Even if you understand nothing in handwriting analysis, you could argue that it nicely fits a man who is known for mercurial moods swings, and for being instantly identifiable yet impossible to predict.

Trump likes signing things. "We’ve signed more bills—and I’m talking about through the legislature—than any president, ever," Trump claimed falsely.

Left: Installation view of Lutz Bacher’s untitled work at 3320 18th St in San Francisco. Copyright 2017, Art Media ARTNEWS

Artists can be divided into two categories: the honest who are true to their own aesthetic vision and muse, and the dishonest. Politics can be the same: to respond or not to pre-election promises.

Using Trump’s campaign slogan "Make America great again", Australian-American artist Ashley "Illma" Gore produced the work under the same name. She was assaulted by his supporters for this unflattering nude
The nude is the genre focused on the aesthetic aspect of the naked human body. The term traces its origin to the Latin nudus (“naked, bare”) and is cognate with the French nudité (“nudity”). Read more
portrait of the President.

  • Illma Gore. Make America Great Again, 2016. Oil, pastel
  • Illma Gore. The Myth of Covfefe, 2016. Oil
"It was created to evoke a reaction from its audience, good or bad, about the significance we place on our physical selves. Your genitals do not define your gender, your power, or your status," Illma Gore said.
Winning the election is only the beginning of the presidential work. The evolution of the figures of support or rejection reflect the ability to communicate with the public. A great deal of art has been made about Trump since he announced his candidacy two years ago, much of it simplistic and patronizing, mocking or exaggerating certain aspects of his personality or public image.

Saint Hoax, an anonymous Syrian artist who spends his time between his two homes of Beirut and New York, has replaced the misogynistic slogans of 1950s advertising posters with actual things that President Donald Trump has said, juxtaposing the two forms of prevailing sexism that stand some 30 years apart.

Despite huge advances in women’s rights across the world, it seems as though things have not changed much in this respect since the 1950s.
The Trump Art: artists react to President
The Trump Art: artists react to President
The Trump Art: artists react to President
The Trump Art: artists react to President

Some more art inspired by Trump's quotes. Think Twice Before You Speak

  • Local graffiti artist Scenereo painted a wall-sized portrait for a nightclub men's room. Trump`s image is surrounded by his ugliest quotes and tweet. The artist have placed an urinal where his potty-mouth ought to be.
  • This painting by U.K. artist Conor Collins uses Trump's own words against him. As Collins explained when he tweeted the image in January, it's a portrait "made using only the racist, sexist, ignorant and bigoted things he has said," and compiles quotes sourced from the interviews, speeches and @realDonaldTrump's Twitter.
Using the elements of electronic circuitry, American artist and scientist Kelly Heaton tries to mirr

Using the elements of electronic circuitry, American artist and scientist Kelly Heaton tries to mirror the process of the creation of life. Despite being from the recent past, these quickly outmoded technological elements are a reminder of the fleeting nature of progress, as what’s cutting-edge one decade becomes landfill fodder the next.

Left: Kelly Heaton. Donald Trump (The Big Hack), 2017. Oil on canvas, 18" x 18"

In this world where technology has brought us closer together than ever, it is impossible not to address to social networks.

The Daily Trumpet and #TrumpArtworks on Twitter and Instagram.

  • "This place is packed!" wrote Joe Heenan in this Donald Trump version of Edward Hopper's famous painting Nighthawks. Courtesy of @joeheenan via Twitter.
  • Alexis Taylor @lexistwit #TrumpArtworks @ThePoke

Is making protest art great again? Street Art about Donald Trump

  • Political satire is everywhere. Street artist and Banksy parodist 'Hanksy' installed this mural of Trump in New York City's Chinatown, transforming Trump into a poo pile as yellow and grotesque as his hair.
  • A poster
    Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Alphonse Mucha... Their posters are world-famous. What factors led to the emergence of such a special genre? We talk about the origins, development, features of this art form and show the works by different artists. Read more
    of Donald Trump kissing Vladimir Putin by Lithuanian artist Mindaugas Bonanu (Image: 2oceansvibe.com). It's similar to the Fraternal Kiss (German: Bruderkuss), a graffiti painting on the Berlin wall by Dmitri Vrubel depicting Leonid Brezhnev and Erich Honecker in a fraternal embrace.
  • A street artist has painted Donald Trump as a Nazi on the wall of a pub in Bristol, UK.
  • This street artist painted a black-and-white mural of Donald Trump's face in London and finished his marathon painting session by hurling eggs at Trump's face.

...and several more portraits of Trump from the artists all over the world (Japan, Ukraine, Russia)

The Trump Art: artists react to President
The Trump Art: artists react to President
The Trump Art: artists react to President
"Art is the most intense form of individualism."
Oscar Wilde

Art cannot be defined, regulated or homogenized. It is a testimony to the history that precedes it, the environment that molds it, and the events that inspire it. Art is, in other words, a tyrant’s worst enemy.

Therefore, politicians should be highly responsible for their own credibility, if they do not want to look like Barry Blitt`s caricatures.
Barry Blitt. The post-presidential paintings of Donald Trump (probably). The New Yorker, 2017
Barry Blitt. The post-presidential paintings of Donald Trump (probably). The New Yorker, 2017

Title illustration: A. Richard Allen, Trump Wave, acrylic and digital illustration
© The Sunday Telegraph Money

Based on materials of The New Yorker, Artsy.net, Artnet.news.