Modrec in učenec.

Aleksander Nescu • Sculpture, 2017, 49×33×7 cm
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Sculpture
Subject and objects: Fantasy, Mythological scene
Style of art: Sodobna umetnost
Technique: Sculpture, Mix-technics
Date of creation: 2017
Size: 49×33×7 cm
Region: Wien

Description of the artwork «Modrec in učenec.»

modrec je majhen človek z veliko glavo desno od učenca (osebe). Ustvaril sem osebo (študenta) po podobi Muammarja al-Gadafija. betonska ploščad. vrv. tekstil. Oreh. lutke iz polimerne gline. mavca. celotna zbirka teh del si zasluži razmislek in pozornost.