Invisible object. Hands holding the void

Alberto Giacometti • Sculpture, 1934, 152.1×32.6×25.3 cm
About the artwork
This artwork was added since it is referred to in the materials below
Art form: Sculpture
Subject and objects: Portrait, Genre scene
Style of art: Surrealism
Materials: Bronze
Date of creation: 1934
Size: 152.1×32.6×25.3 cm
Artwork in selections: 6 selections

Description of the artwork «Invisible object. Hands holding the void»

5 years Alberto Giacometti studied in Paris at a private Academy de La Grand Chaumiere and all this time only hung out with foreigners. It was a kind of motley art colony: the Italians, Swiss, Spaniards - who else but the French. In 1928, Giacometti everything changes: he rents a Studio in Montparnasse, he met with a group of artists and poets who called themselves Surrealists, participating in exhibitions, signs the first contract with the art dealer, the terms of which shall receive a monthly payment in exchange for all works created in the coming year. Giacometti sculpts and casts in bronze the visible and the invisible, dreams and fantasies, paradoxical, causing sculptures like women spoons, nasty stuff or women in the context is the time of surrealism.

He plays in an arty game and determined political beliefs, becomes a Communist and together with friends, looking things up, revelations, things characters at flea markets. The ideologue of the surrealist poet andré Breton called such things "found objects". Random lines of a newspaper article, in a rusty ashtray or an old bucket, he called to seek a personal, subjective meanings and the answers to the queries of the subconscious.

In creating the sculptures of Alberto Giacometti "Invisible object" was involved in one of those surreal finds - protective metal mask, which was used by soldiers during the First world war. The girl's face follows the shape of this monstrosity equipment, but not only her. Wild, pristine, primitive energy this work has received from the religious objects, ritual masks and sculpture of Africa and the Pacific Islands. This contradiction in the spirit of surrealism: a dismal product of civilization, a war-ravaged and sacred subject peoples have not lost touch with the spirits and gods. Both in one and in another case - still defenseless people seeking protection from destruction and oblivion.

Here the strange device, reminiscent of both the prayer chair and a hard metal cage. It supports and encourages, but he stops and makes it impossible to move. Finally, the hands, carefully, carefully, and even enthusiastically holding something invisible. It's probably just nothing (hands holding the void). Perhaps this is something we can't see (invisible object). Surrealist work and should not give direct answers, only questions and drives you to frenzy, the need, and then need to understand everything yourself. The meaning of each sculpture - to provoke in the viewer a convulsive search of answers, the process of self-discovery and understanding the world. And no promises that the right answers exist. "The Surrealists - said Andre Breton, - would like to lead the mind into confusion, why and declared war on logic and materialism. Surreal art is necessary in order that man might better learn their internal capabilities which are limitless and which he badly informed, and to learn the conditions of their existence".

Surrealist-Giacometti woke up in the morning and drew what he saw in a dream, built, sculpted erotic fantasies and Lil from bronze phalluses with spikes, invented the moving sculpture, like ancient children's toys. "Invisible object" is his latest surreal work. The figure, which clearly demonstrated the qualities not just human, but also quite anatomically on women this is the beginning of a new period. Soon in the Studio of Giacometti appears sitters and begin a complex find your own style.

Author: Anna Sidelnikova