Oboževanje čarovnikov

Albrecht Dürer • Painting, 1504, 99×113.5 cm
Digital copy: 10.4 MB
3848 × 3360 px • JPEG
40.5 × 35.3 cm • 241 dpi
65.2 × 56.9 cm • 150 dpi
32.6 × 28.4 cm • 300 dpi
Digital copy is a high resolution file, downloaded by the artist or artist's representative. The price also includes the right for a single reproduction of the artwork in digital or printed form.
About the artwork
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Landscape, Religious scene, Literary scene
Style of art:
Technique: Oil
Materials: Wood
Date of creation: 1504
Size: 99×113.5 cm
Artwork in selections: 16 selections
Digital copy shipping and payment
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Description of the artwork «Oboževanje čarovnikov»

Na tej sliki ni gneče, vendar je njen avtor tudi našel način, da sem postavi avtoportret. Ne, Dürer se sploh ni prikazal kot služabnik, skril se je na desni na stopnicah. Dürer si je odpisal najlepšega čarovnika - visokega, skodranih las. In ga postavite v sredino platna.

Material Poklonitev čarovnikov: 7 vprašanj in odgovorov, zaradi katerih bodo slike na to temo jasnejše in zanimivejše beri v Arthiveu

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