Levonovich Azizyan

Russia • born in 1912

Biography and information

Honored artist of the Armenian SSR.

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

1935] began to participate in Republican and all-Union exhibitions with thematic paintings ("Music", "Happy life", "the Meeting of Chkalov, Baidukov, Belyakov Moscow") and works of other genres. Scope of works of the artist and unveils the postwar steel front-line life, military episodes ("the capture of the fortress in the Park Humboldt-haym 2nd may", "trophies", etc.) and images of war veterans. During these years he also creates paintings devoted to the peaceful life of the native people, portraits of intellectuals and leaders of manufacture.

This exhibition not passed the half-century sums up the artist's way and is not the selected works of different periods. The exhibited works of TS Azizyan mostly belong to the last period of creativity, when the artist, based on the experience of the previous several decades, has created his best paintings. Reviewing them in the exhibition, imbued with a light and lyrical mood and affectionate feeling for his native land, flourishing under the Sunny sky of Armenia.

TS Azizian wrote his views in the village of Karbi (Ashtarak region), where he was born. Nature of his native land never ceased to worry him since childhood. Since 1960-ies the artist "again" settled in Karbi, which became the main source of his inspiration. In painting artist for the past two decades is dominated landscapes Karbi and its environs. This new period of creativity of the TS Azizyan is associated with the new artistic problems.

In contrast to earlier landscapes, the artist tends to intimate the decisions of the images. In them he conveys not so much the sharpness of the hell mother nature, as its condition, its corresponding psychological experiences. Landscapes of the late period is a picturesque Suite, dedicated to the native land, and his spring and summer, autumn and nature. They show the Sunny, glowing soft white, pink, Sirenevyj, green notes of the blossoming Apple, pear, peach orchards; gardens, blazing bright autumn colors; from the heat glowed Golden-pink rocky landscapes.

The Supreme beauty of nature reveals the artist at noon, when the bright rays of the sun as it melted the paint and shape. In the paintings the trees, the mountains, the stones lose their silhouettes, and soft scenic elements creates a sense of celebration of life ("the Field of Ohanavan", 1970, "Hot day", 1971).

Mild picturesque style of writing, increased the luminosity of the paintings, the lack of sharp silhouettes, pasty texture enhance poetic sound images and saturate their life with trepidation. These features are evident in the best works of the artist - "Blue hills" (1979), "the Brook in the garden" (1980) and others.

The motives of landscapes of TS Azizyan always simple and laconic. Thus, in the painting "Spring" (1983), one of the late in the chronology of execution, the artist depicted only two flowering tree growing in the garden. Due to the delicate color relationships, creating the iridescence of the colours, it reaches a silky texture, special scenic environment that informs the way heightened emotionality.

In the 70-ies of the TS Azizyan has created another series of landscapes depicting the Black sea. Easily and freely writes his Marina artist. They felt the expanse of ocean space, wet light-air environment. Marina full of harmony and peace.

The artist only slightly passes the internal dynamics of life in the sea – light ripples waves, with a swathe of huge rocks and boulders, swimming of the clouds over the sea. As in the landscapes Karbi, also in marinas ("Marine landscape", 1972, "Rocks on the seashore", 1975, "the Sea in winter", 1981, etc.) soft painterliness is based on externally, not underlined, but firmly-built "backbone" of the composition.

TS Azizian likes to write his landscapes EN plein air. In 60-ies he started and finished them in nature, and with 70 years of painting in the Studio based on plein-air sketches, which contributes to greater generalization of images and performing freedom.

The tendency of TS Azizyan to the transfer of moods is characteristic of his portraits and still lifes. These two genre of the last decade, rarely found in turcesti artist. In the portraits he depicts young contemporaries ("portrait of the daughter Hasmik", 1972, "Girl in pink", 1970), and in the still lifes – traditional Armenian art gifts of mother nature ("Pears and grapes on striped background", 1976).

The unquenchable love of the Tsolak Azizyan painting and nature. It promotes the birth of new paintings, bearing seal individualnosti creative artist. Sincerely transferred to his canvases the lyrical feelings and Patriotic feelings join in the powerful song of the Armenian landscape of the Motherland, the native land, its eternal beauty.