Petrovich Altayev

Russia • born in 1931

Biography and information

Monumentalist. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Honored worker of culture of the RSFSR.

Born in the village Krasnyy Log, Voronezh region in 1931. In 1958 he graduated from Moscow state art-industrial University. S. G. Stroganov. Studied with Corina P. D., Khazanov, M. T., Dorokhov, K. M., Lopatnikoff D. N., Gerasimov S. V., Maximov A. Kh., Egorova V. E., V. P. and Komardenkova. Cum - artist of monumental-decorative art. Worked at the State Historical Museum research officer for restoration and new painting. Worked in the art Fund of the RSFSR. From 1960 he began to exhibit at the Moscow, Russian, Union and international exhibitions. He taught in military publishing for professional development of the participating artists and folk art "Red Baltiets". Works in the genre of thematic picture, portrait, landscape, still life. A number of paintings are in various museums homeland and abroad, as well as in the collections of the country and abroad.