Saint Malachi

Agostino Carracci • Graphics, 1584, 16×23 cm
About the artwork
Art form: Graphics
Style of art: Baroque
Technique: Engraving
Materials: Copper
Date of creation: 1584
Size: 16×23 cm
Artwork in selections: 1 selection
There is still no description of this artwork. It may appear later. Track updates on Arthive.
Other artworks by this artist
1579, 30×44 cm
The Virgin Of The Annunciation
The Virgin Of The Annunciation
1579, 32×44 cm
Zone Madonna
Zone Madonna
1579, 31×44 cm
Holy family
Holy family
1576, 19×16 cm
The series of "Sensuality", Orpheus and Eurydice
The series of "Sensuality", Orpheus and Eurydice
1590, 10×14 cm
The series of "Sensuality", a Satyr looking at a sleeping nymph
The series of "Sensuality", a Satyr looking at a sleeping nymph
1590, 11×15 cm
The Series Of "Sensuality", Andromeda
The Series Of "Sensuality", Andromeda
1590, 10×15 cm
The series of "Sensuality", Lot and his daughters
The series of "Sensuality", Lot and his daughters
1590, 11×15 cm
A series of "Twelve apostles with Christ the Saviour, the virgin and St John the Baptist", Saint John the Evangelist
A series of "Twelve apostles with Christ the Saviour, the virgin and St John the Baptist", Saint John the Evangelist
1583, 9×10 cm
Appearance of the Madonna to St. Jerome
Appearance of the Madonna to St. Jerome
1588, 41.6×29.9 cm
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