Savich Galkin

Russia • 1860−1915

Biography and information

Russian artist close to the Wanderers, the master of the household and the ceremonial portrait. Born in the village Poincy Tver province. He studied at the drawing school of the Society for the encouragement of artists in St. Petersburg.

The growth of the beautiful craftsmanship Ilya Savvich Galkin was steady, but, frankly, not rapid. Only twenty-three years (in 1883) he became volnoprihodyaschim student of the Academy of arts, attending classes until 1888. In 1887 he received the title of teacher with the right teaching in primary schools. In those same years at the Academy's exhibitions appear first it smoothly written genre works: "spinning wheel", "Return from the hunt" (both 1887), "In the rye. Chess players", "the head of the little Russian" (both 1888), "Grandfather and grandson", "head Study. The ducks", "the sun" (all — 1889).

In 1892, I. S. Galkin graduated from the scientific course of the Academy (the Academy there was a course of General education disciplines: history, archeology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, history of art of Ancient Russia, without mastering of which academics were not awarded official titles). In the same year he was awarded the title of class artist third degree. In the next year for "Portrait of academician of painting Y. B. Federal" and "portrait of the artist V. G. Kazantsev," I. S. Galkin was awarded the title of class artist of the second degree.

Perhaps, in portraiture, the artist has achieved greater recognition, including among tall persons close to the Imperial house. Yes, and named the house were admirers of I. S. Galkin, and because one of the academic exhibitions were shown of the artist, a portrait of the most Empress. And this event was an undoubted success of the artist.

Participant of exhibitions from 1887 (Academy of fine arts, St. Petersburg society of artists, etc.) the Author of works: "reading", 1890; "Fisherman", 1891; portrait of M. I. Pisarev, 1894; "the Fishermen on the Volkhov",1894; "the Hunters", 1898; "the Tramp", 1899; the portrait of V. I. Nemirovich – Danchenko,1900; "the old Park", 1905; D. East art Museum, Khabarovsk), etc.