Vasilyevich Dranishnikov

Russia • born in 1936

Honored artist of Russia. Born in the Northern Urals in the city of Cherdyn in 1936. He received his artistic education first at the Sverdlovsk art school, then at the Moscow academic art College named. VI Surikov in the Studio of easel graphics of Professor E. A. Kibrik and Yu. p. Professor Reiner. In 1968, after successful graduation the series of lithographs "Moscow — hero city" was adopted in the Creative workshops of the Russian Academy of arts.

Member of Moscow Union of artists. Since 1969 graphic works participates in the Moscow, Republican, foreign and international art exhibitions. Themes and lithographic pencil series: Moscow, city Moscow, Gorokhovets, Tobolsk, Kirillov, Ferapontovo village.

The works of V. V. Dranishnikov marked: prize of the Komsomol Central Committee — 1969 diplomas of the Russian Academy of arts — 1969, 1996, gold medal of the Russian Academy of arts — 2002

Works of the artist are in museums of many cities of Russia, in private collections in the USA, Japan, Germany.

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