Nikolayevich Kazakevich

United States • born in 1916

Born in 1916 in Kaluga. He graduated from the construction College, he worked on the railroad, had an accident, but the desire to live was so great that a miracle happened. Leo not only got to his feet, but he entered the Moscow technological Institute and to the training of teachers of drawing and painting in high school. In 1941 graduated from the Moscow pedagogical Institute returned to Kaluga, worked in partnership "Kaluga artist", from 1942 to 1947 he taught at the school painting and drawing and, of course, wrote his paintings. A special place in the creativity engineering is the image of A. S. Pushkin. The artist does not illustrate the works of a poet, and writes on his canvases Mikhaylovskaya, "Disgraced" house portraits. That would not wrote em, he's looking for a fresh, unexpected solutions. Striking in scale, color and penetrating profundity and lyricism. Love for his native land and solitude, he certainly conveyed in the landscape sketches of iconic places. And acquaintance with K. Tsiolkovsky and A. L. by cizewski led to the creation of a group portrait of scientists, where subtle kinship, space thinking and focus on the future.

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