Ivanovich Sokolov

Russia • 1918−1984

in another source date of birth: 14.3.1918

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

since 1968, the participant of the great Patriotic war, Victor Ivanovich Sokolov was born on 1 Aug 1918 in Nizhny Novgorod province. In 1938 he graduated from Kirov art College. Artistic career began in partnership "Kalinin artist ". The life and work of V. I. Sokolov strongly associated with Tver land.

V. I. Sokolov was engaged in easel painting, which is mainly known as a portrait painter. Since 1946 he exhibited works at exhibitions of works of artists of the Kalinin region. Participant of exhibitions of works of artists Kalinin in the city of Hameenlinna (1965 and 1974), the participant of regional, zonal, Republican exhibitions. Repeatedly worked in the houses of creativity of the Union of artists of the RSFSR.

The artist's paintings adorn the Homes of culture, businesses, schools, regional center; are stored in the museums of the upper Volga cities.

Fund of the Tver regional picture gallery belong to: "Veteran", "Central Park of culture in the city of Stalino", "Sister", "Portrait", "Head boys", "Mother".

Died Viktor Ivanovich Sokolov in 1984.

Major works:

"Veteran" (1951);

"The old lady" (1953);

"Farmer" (1954);

"Portrait of grandmother", "Student" (1965);

"Russian Souvenirs", "Harvest", "Portrait of a worker", "Teacher" (all 1967);

"Sister," "the Senior Lieutenant of militia A. P. Geranin" (both 1969);

"Portrait of the artist V. I. Lobanova" (1970);

"Self portrait" (1971).

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