Grigorievich Platonov

Ukraine • born in 1927

Biography and information

Born in Kherson. Graduated (1956) from the Odessa art College. Working in the industry of easel painting. Honored artist of Ukraine since 1992 Lives and works in Kherson.

May 15, 1927 born in Kherson.

1944 - 1951 - served in the Soviet Army. The participant of the great Patriotic war.

1956 - graduated from the Odessa art College named. M. B. Grekova. Teachers: Krizhevsky G. Y., Pavlyuk M. A.

1969 - member of the Union of artists of Ukraine.

1971 - 1981 - Chairman of the Kherson branch of the Union

1992 - Honored artist of Ukraine.

1999 - people's artist of Ukraine.

2001 - diploma of the Ministry of culture and arts of Ukraine and the National Union of artists of Ukraine.

Anatoly Platonov entered the Ukrainian art as the consummate master of landscape painting.

Open emotions, the courage, the temperament of picturesque handwriting characterize the art of the artist. Landscape and still life genres in which most fully revealed his talent as a painter who perfectly felt color. The poetics of creativity Platonov determined the peculiarity of his perception of the world, the romantic nature. His he drew his inspiration in nature, in constant communication with the it themes, plots, images.

The artist traveled a lot around the country and abroad. Impression of travel embodied in the series of landscapes: "the Baltic States", "Krym", "Sedniv", "Bulgaria", "Architectural monuments of Ukraine". The charge of imagery, which contains the artist's palette, fills prosaic motives such force of poetizatsii that forces a new view and quiet streets Sednev, and the architecture of ancient gardens, and industrial buildings, and objects of objednali.

"Landscapes Anatoly Platonov juicy, major, active. They love nature, but they can be considered finished paintings, in which fully expressed the opinion of the artist. They have great power!"...

(T. Yablonsky)