Alexandrovna Remyga

Russia • born in 1982

Biography and information

Born 1982 in Khimki, Moscow region, in a family of artists Alexander of Remyga and Natalia Bazhenova.

1997-2000 studied at the Higher School-Studio at the Theater "harlequin" under the direction S. Melkonyan, artistic production faculty.

2000-2002 was a student of the school-Studio of the Moscow art theatre at the faculty.

Since 2005 - student of mgkhpu im. S. G. Stroganov, Department of "Artistic design".

Anna Remyga - member of International Art Fund since 1998.

Since 1997 participates in art exhibitions, plein-airs, symposiums in Russia and abroad Poland (Warsaw) -2002, Austria (Millstatt) -2002, Bulgaria (Varna) -2008, Slovakia (mojmírovce), Serbia (Valjevo, Lébény, Caribrod, Junakovic Bath, Belgrade), Macedonia (Prilep), Egypt (Cairo, Alexandria) -2009, BiH (Bosnia) Bel – 2010, Slovakia (komárno) – 2010.

Has repeatedly shown his works in the Central house of artists, House of Friendship, VVC, Manezh, Moscow House of Artists, the Association of women-artists "Irida" and in the House of Journalists in Moscow and in the cities of Russia (Moscow, Kursk, Kirov, Zarechny, Balakovo). Personal exhibition took place in gallery "the Union Creativity", 2003, library..Gaidar, 2009, Moscow.

Work has been published in catalogues and brochures (Salon Central house of artists 1998, CX, MOOSKH-2008, Spring salon, the Manege-2001, CT "Aquarius" 2003, 2007, Moscow-Eros 2008, 2009, etc.), released cards.

Laureate of artiade of the peoples of Russia (youth League)- 2003

Diploma for the 1st place in Russian art week – 2008

Works in various techniques of painting and drawing (oil, acrylic, watercolor, drawing). Main themes - theatrical-decorative composition based on the Comedy del Arto, circus and architectural fantasies. Individual and concise her watercolors in the genre of landscape and animal imagery.

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