Vasilievna Butakova

Russia • born in 1949

Biography and information

Born in the city of David-Gorodok, Brest region of the Byelorussian SSR), member. ARTISTS ' UNION OF RUSSIA (1993). From the teacher. family. From 1952 to Sochi, 1965 in Feodosiya, the Crimean region In 1966-68 studied at the PRF. In 1973 he graduated from the Krasnodar pedagogical. Institute, the specialty “teacher of drawing and sketching”. From 1974 to 1981 he worked as a portrait painter in the workshops of fine Arts. Fund of Krasnodar, from 1981 to 1993 – People. Since 1995 head. the Department of art (faculty of design). Institute for the Humanities. DOS. genres: portrait (figures of culture, science, education), landscape (nature of Europe. countries, India, Russia, South. Of the Urals), still life. B. created a portrait gallery of creative. intelligentsia of the South. Urals 1980-90s DOS. prod.: “A portrait of filmmaker and actor L. L. Obolensky” (1988-89), “portrait of the artist V. S. Zakhvatova Creativity” (1992), “Portrait A. I. Tsvetaeva” (1993), “portrait of the Director of the Chelyabinsk theatre of the young spectator of A. T. Makharadze” (1995), “Nyazepetrovsk. Drobina mountain” (1996). Travel to Europe and Asia is reflected in the striking views of towns, relig. and religious centers, architectural monuments. From 1977 to 1998 he participated in zones., region., Rep., proceedings of all-Union. exhibitions. Persons. B. exhibitions held in Person. (1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2000), Nyazepetrovsk (1994, 1999), in Moscow (1994, 1995), Snezhinsk (1994), Miass (1995). Proizv. B. are in the arts. and kraeved. museums People., Of Sochi, Magnitogorsk; in private collections abroad (REC. Europe, USA, Canada, astral, Japan, India).

(the authors of the article M. V. Lukin, K. A. Shishov)

Lit.: Th R n s x B. Portrait of the human soul // Ufaley. worker. 1994. 9 APR.; I g o e n C e a N. The right dome of the sky // Weekend (H). 1995. 20 Jan.; Lukin M. through the Eyes of Anna // CHR. 1995. 25 Jan.; Chelyabinsk organisation of the Union of artists. 1936-1996: Album. H, 1996; Shipitsyn A. It's us, Lord // Chelyabinsk. 1998. No. 5.

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