Pavlovich Nettivny

Russia • 1900−1940

Biography and information

Nettle Dmitry Pavlovich 1900, Tiflis - 1940, Leningrad.

He studied at the Leningrad Vkhutein with K. S. Petrov-Vodkin, A. I. Savinov.

Since 1927 - member of the MAI team.


Museums: The State Russian Museum, Nukus, KG "Moscow Palette".

(Based on materials by O.O. Roitenberg)



1927 - masters of analytical art;

1930 - 1st citywide (Spr., Vol. 1, p. 215.346);

1935 - Leningrad. skinny;

1936 - autumn. L. (Ref., Vol. II. P. 92.139);

1992, 1993 - Capitani Gallery. Milan;

1993 - KG "Moscow Palette".



Efimov P.P. - Web .: Panorama of the Arts 13.M., 1990.