Ivanovich Tamanyan (Tamanov)

Russia • 1878−1936

Biography and information

Student of the Academy of arts from 1898 To 1904, the title of artist-architect. Academician since 1914.


(1878, Yekaterinodar — 1936, Yerevan), architect, people's architect of the Armenian SSR (1924). He studied at St. Petersburg Academy of arts (1898-1904), academician (1914). In Moscow since the beginning of the 1910s, Using the tradition of the Moscow classic country estate architecture, have created a new type of monumental composition of a large apartment house in the spirit of Neoclassicism (apartment house S. A. Shcherbatov on Novinsky Boulevard, 1911-13). In 1915 he rebuilt the manor Ohotnikova. Participated in the urban works of V. I. Semenova on creation adjacent to Moscow "cities-gardens", carried out the construction of the complex of the sanatorium in Sochi (1913-23). From 1923 he worked in Yerevan. USSR state prize (1942, posthumously).

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