Fyodorovna Gruzdeva

Russia • born in 1945

Year was born in Kostroma. After finishing school he entered the Kostroma art College. From 1960 to 1965, he worked as a teacher of drawing and sketching. In 1965, came with his family to Rubtsovsk. Started working in the school for working youth a teacher of drawing, and in his spare time to painting. In 1966 transferred to the Department of the chief designer (now CSC), OAO "alttrak". There was a path from technician to design engineer of I category. With the advent of the son ceased to paint and again took a brush only after 20 years, in 1987. Engaged in the art Studio under the guidance of V. V. Tikhonov. For the first time her paintings were shown at the 1988 exhibition of Amateur artists in Rubtsovsk, then in Barnaul. Annually to present their work during exhibitions. In 1996 he held his first solo exhibition (82 works) in the art gallery of Rubtsovsk, in 1998 - personal exhibition in Sochi. Working in watercolor and pastel, his favorite genres - landscape, portrait, still life.

Publish about the author:

1. Kataeva N. V. artists Have a Central // local history notes. Vol.1 .-Rubtsovsk, 1997.-S. 81-82

2. The POKAS Zinaida E. Gruzdev // RTV-3 is.-1998.-N 48.-C. 1

3. Saprykin T. was Not men places on the exhibition of two artists rubtsovskiy // Local time.-1993.-6 APR.C. 1

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