Petrovich Grekov

Russia • born in 1910

Biography and information

In 1910 was born in St. Petersburg. Father - engineer of Railways. Professional skills and knowledge in the field of painting and restoration acquired very early in 1927, is involved in the restoration of the murals in the Church of San Stefano in Constantinople, where he was taken out by parents in 1920, where in 1928 he graduated from the French College of Saint-benoît. In the future throughout life in Turkey and France repeatedly carried out private orders for the restoration of ancient icons. 1928-1948 years residence in France; the years 1931-1933 _ - studies at the faculty of painting at the universal school in Paris. In 1939 he volunteered in the French army and fought against Nazi Germany. Demobilized after the war, again came to Paris. In 1948 he returned to Yaroslavl. Up to 1955. he worked as a Cabinet-maker, a modeller is a pattern maker. With 1955. worked at the Yaroslavl special scientific restoration workshop restoration of stucco, the construction of monuments and tiles (including by order of the historical Museum of the Romanov chambers of XVII century in Moscow). In 1962, heading the Department of painting and began working on the restoration of icons and monumental paintings. In 1963, the first visit to Novgorod. In 1965 he moved to Moscow, where he worked in all-Union production scientific restoration works PNRC (later the Association "Soyuzrestavratsia"). He was soon appointed head of restoration of paintings of the XIV century Church of the Transfiguration on Kovalev near Novgorod. In addition to leadership Kowalevskii by A. P. Grekov took part in the restoration of the frescoes of the Church of Theodore Stratelates, of icons in the Museum of the Moscow Kremlin and the house Ulyanov Ulyanovsk. After 1969, the work was carried out in the laboratory. Started as a experiment to save the fragments, restoration work grew into the revival of the ensemble of the painting as a whole with only a portion of the loss that is the first such experience in the global restoration practice. Together with Valentina B. Grekova they made a huge contribution to the restoration seemed to be forever lost masterpiece of ancient Russian monumental painting of the city of Novgorod. Since 1988, systematically engaged in copying the frescoes of the Church of the Savior on Kovalev, as well as the Church of the Transfiguration and the Church of Theodore Stratelates. The work of A. P. Grekov has earned high praise from professionals for its high artistic and technical skill, and a copy of a comprehensive understanding of the original and the facsimile execution with precision, impeccable taste and tireless creative search in the solution of pictorial and expository tasks. The unique materials of the restoration work (copies of frescoes) have been exhibited at the Republican, all-Union and foreign exhibitions. He practically trained and brilliantly used the technique of sampling of frescos from the destroyed monument, and the collections and the mount tracks. On account A. P. Grekov, a lot of publications in scientific journals and periodicals. The peak of this activity is the book "the Frescoes of the Church of the Transfiguration on Kovalev in Novgorod." A. P. the Greeks created their restoration school, has trained dozens of high-class professionals. In 1989 A. P. Grekov was awarded the State prize of the USSR in the field of literature, art and architecture. In 1999 he was awarded the order of Friendship. In 1992 Awarded the title "Honorary citizen of Novgorod. Since 1993 he is a distinguished деятелtм art of the Russian Federation.