Ivanovich Hamkov

Russia • born in 1958

Hankow Vladimir Ivanovich, painter. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 1995, was Born in p. Anopino Gus-Khrustalny district of the Vladimir region. He graduated from the Vladimir city vocational school No. 15 (1982). Lives and works in Vladimir.

Born March 24, 1958 in the village of Anopino, Gus-Crystal district, Vladimir region in the family working. Artistic flair manifested itself in early childhood, the first gouache sketch was done at the age of 13 years. In the oil sketches from nature have always tried to convey the state of nature. In 1973 he met the painter F. I. Agriteam and began to use his advice. In 1981, he joined the Vladimir art school (later the vocational school №15), from which he graduated with a degree artist advertising. Since 1989 participant of regional art exhibitions (zonal-2000 and Russian-2005). Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1995

In his work focuses on the achievements of artists such as Yukin, Britov, Kokurin, Mokrov, Egorov. V. I. Komkov pays great attention to the color, especially in working on sketches in the open air. The artist believes that "it is fully possible to reveal it is working with nature, and reveals his admiration of color, passing his found a way."

In Russian art of the V. I. Hemkova, according to him, close Levitan, Turzhansky, Petrovichev, Savrasov, Korovin. Admired artists van Gogh, Cezanne, Pissarro, Claude Monet.

The work of V. I. Hemkova are in the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-reserve, as well as in private collections and galleries of Russia, Spain, Holland, France, USA.

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