Nikolaevich Filonenko

Russia • born in 1947

Born in 1947 in the city of Lugansk.

In 1974 he graduated from the Ukrainian printing Institute named after I. Fedorov, professional book designer.

Since 1974 lives and works in Ekaterinburg.

Since 1975 - participant of city, regional, zonal, Republican, all-Union and international exhibitions. Member of the Union of artists of Russia (1977).

Works in book and easel graphics and as a painter. For illustrations to "the Word about Igor's regiment" was awarded the diploma of the Biennale in Venice (1987). Laureate of the prize of the Governor of Sverdlovsk area for outstanding achievements in literature and art (2003).

Since the end of 80-ies Yuri Filonenko wrote enigmatic paintings-mirages, a kind of fantastic dream. They have a special system of relations between elements of reality and imagination. Often the plot of his work – life observation or an ordinary everyday situation (for example, washing in the bath or a conversation between two lovers). But the artist plays with the situation, raising it to the rank of a philosophical parable, that ritual action then reduces to the level of anecdote, wherein detecting the ability to see fantastic extravagance of ordinary. This magic is so contagious that becomes involved in the mystery of what is happening and the viewer. He's in his attempt to unravel the mystery of the artist becomes like a member of the ritual, Varshavskoe out of time. The transition from the concrete fact to his understanding oroshennoe solved, sometimes at the expense of reception of the eccentric shear.

So, in the "wild jealousy", which depicts a seated man and woman, at the hands of women is suddenly the figure of the Chimera, and the canvas "the appearance on Chusovaya" resting by the river artist meets with the Sphinx. This combination of incompatible gives a sense of strangeness, illogic and suggests the creation of a grotesque image. The reception included not only the game of paradoxical characters, but the plastic pictures. The absence of the traditional planned build, some sign set of parts, deformation of pieces. The color paintings are delicate, thin, and in his soft restraint lies another secret identity painting Yulia Filonenko.

Works Yury Filonenko are in the State Museum of fine arts. Pushkin in Moscow, in the museums of Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Kemerovo, Ufa, Russia; private collections in Russia and abroad.

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